Monday, February 13, 2012

More reasons why sales is a potentially lucrative career for introverts

        Following last Tuesday’s post, I grew so fascinated with the potential of introverts to excel at sales that I did some more digging. My research turned up several more key strengths that could contribute to their sales ability, including superior composure and self-control, as well as excellence in building long-term relationships. Evidently, it might also help if the introvert possesses a strong belief in the value of the product or service s/he is selling.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why should you consider hiring introverts for sales jobs?

        Yesterday New-York-City-area sales trainer Paul Castain started another interesting LinkedIn discussion with the question: “Is sales an extrovert's profession or can an introvert do quite nicely too?” Comments thus far have emphasized the advantages that introverts bring to sales, including better listening skills, better at focusing attention on the prospect and asking questions, and better at handling disappointment. What seems to be emerging is a useful shopping list for hiring sales staff.